Domestic Violence

Myths vs. Facts

What Is The Purpose of This Project?

Everything that has happened during/after the “Heard vs Depp trial”, made me realize how uneducated we all are when it comes to domestic violence.
Let me say a few quick words about the trial, first. It was never a dumb fight between two celebrities, nor was it a divorce trial. It stopped being about just them a very long time ago and has become so much more than them.
It's been a while since the trial has ended but the victim-blaming, using Darvo strategy on the victims, spreading misinformation, making memes, mocking etc, still continues and it all made a huge negative impact on domestic violence (DV)/Intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors' lives. There are so many concerning myths flying around social media regarding this case and domestic violence which is very dangerous.
I think this is such an important issue and in order to make a change and make a safe space for all survivors, this issue needs to be talked about more often. So I decided to do my part in this and build a small project around it to raise awareness.

Sending love to all the survivors out there.

How You Can Help The Victims

Assure them what they are feeling is okay. Then, ask how you can best support them. Provide resources: Encourage them to reach out to community resources. Connect them with crisis hotlines, support groups, Domestic Violence shelters, mental health services, or anything else they may need.

Myths vs. Facts

All of the "Myths vs Facts" content was originally put together as a thread by Kamilla on twitter, which she gave me permission to make it into a small website and make it more accessible.

You can find the original thread here

Now let's go through these dangerous myths which were spread by social media vs facts, data, and evidence.

Myth 1

“A victim would never hit their abuser.”

Myth 2

“A abuse victim would have gone to the hospital.”

Myth 3

“A rape victim would have gone to the hospital if they were injured.”

Myth 4

“If you are not severely injured, you are not abused.”

Myth 5

“A victim of domestic violence doesn’t use makeup to cover their injuries.”

Myth 6

“You cannot be abusive if you are using downers, such as alcohol.”

Myth 7

“If the victim is telling the truth, why wouldn’t they cooperate with the police?”

Myth 8

“Juries always know if the victim is lying.”

Myth 9

“The abuser could not look at their victim in court, therefore they are innocent.”

Myth 10

“If someone who is famous is accused of domestic violence, they will be treated just as fair by the jury.”

Myth 11

“The victim was acting erratic on the stand, but the abuser was acting calm and stable. Which means they are innocent.”

Myth 12

“Abusers never turn the story around on their victims and say they were abused.”

Myth 13

“When a victim comes out about domestic violence, they are always supported.”

Myth 14

“If a victim says they still love their abuser, they are lying about being abused.”

Myth 15

“Destroying property to intimidate a victim is not abuse.”

Myth 16

“A rape victim would remember every detail of the assault.”

Myth 17

“The victim was diagnosed with hysteria, therefore they are lying.”

Myth 18

“A victim would never taunt or talk back to their abuser, they would be too scared.”

Myth 19

“An actual guilty abuser would never take their victim to court.”

Myth 20

“Honestly it seems that they were both just crazy.”

Myth 21

“If they were really an abuser, their ex partners would have said they were too.”

Myth 22

“Threatening self-harm as a way to guilt trip or control a victim is not abuse.”

Myth 23

“A victim would never return to their abuser.”

Myth 24

“Rape victims do not freeze during a rape, they fight back.”

Myth 25

“I always know when a victim is lying.”

Myth 26

“Victims are always scared of their abusers.”

Myth 27

“Domestic violence has no gender.”

Myth 28

“If the public sides with a man, he is telling the truth.”

Myth 29

“If they really abused that victim, other people would say the same.”