Myth 26.


“Victims are always scared of their abusers.”


An abusive relationship will have what is called a “honeymoon period”, which often happens after an act of abuse. A victim may feel safe during this phase, sometimes believing that the abuser has changed.

Honeymoon Period

The honeymoon period occurs right after an instance of physical, sexual or emotional abuse. During this time, an abuser will apologize for their behavior while showing sorrow and promising that the abuse will never happen again. They may also place blame on the victim for the episode of abuse or act like the abuse never happened.
An abuser may express love through gifts and statements during the honeymoon period. Both the abuser and the victim may believe that their relationship is now stable and safe, that all abuse is over and will never happen again. This part of the cycle of abuse can make it more difficult for a victim to leave the relationship.